actually this is what it looks like:
dhtmlMenu = new NavBarMenu(135, 142);
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Make A Difference", ""));
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Donations", "donors.htm"));
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Products", "products.htm"));
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Fees", "fees.htm"));
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("Annual Report", "annualreport.htm"));
dhtmlMenu.addItem(new NavBarMenuItem("News Letter", "newsletter05.pdf"));
Usually what i do is add a new line like the 7th one "News letter" and name
it whatever, in this instance "newletter05" with the doc being in the folders
list (frontpage). All others have been .htm, but in this case it was a
publisher file that was converted to pdf and I am trying to get it to display
on its own page and or to download if viewers don't have areader. The site
was done via html and the person left when it was completed so i am trying to
learn as I go. there is a submenu that when you place your mouse over it
drops down the above coded menu.
Jim Buyens said:
Drag teh pdf file from Windows Ex[plorer to the FrontPage Folder list, then
drag it from the Folder list and drop it onto an open Web page.
In other words, add the pdf file to your site, and then link to it as you
would to any other file.
Jim Buyens
Microsoft MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)
teddkilroy said:
Question, how do you make a pdf file work in frontpage 2003. I am trying to
put a news letter that was originally done in publisher 2002 and was
converted to acrobat reader on our website. The conversion (publisher-reader)
came out great. I copied the pdf into the home folder instead of importing. I
made my adjustemnts (editing) but it does not display the pdf file.