NEWS: Heap big virus attack?

  • Thread starter Thread starter ToolPackinMama
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I haven't heard about AUS, but I know there was a huge virus (W32.Blaster)
that hit today. Shut down a lot of stuff.

Yeeaaahhhh mmmaaattteee wwee aarree ssoo ssllooww iitt wweenntt
ssstttrrraaaiiiggghhhttt pppaaassssseeeddd uuss.....................(lol)
MBlast aka LovSan affected Windows2000, WindowsXP, Windows2000 and Windows
2003 Servers who didn't download and install the critical patch and who went
a-surfing on the internet. It did not affect any Win95/98/98se or ME PCs.

The MS newsgroups were horrible. It mainly affected home users who
don't/can't/won't use the Critical Updates. Those who did install them
either had a quiet or a very busy day helping those afflicted!

The Fix wasn't that hard.... but was hard was the the worm caused the PC to
shutdown every five minutes leaving little time for them user to go get the

Cari MS-MVP Windows Technologies Printing/Imaging/Hardware
: On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 03:05:20 GMT, ToolPackinMama
:: Somebody told me that all of Australia was brought to a standstill
:: today?
: We are always at a standstill...why do today what you can do
: tommorow...the beach, footy, cricket and the mates at the pub come
: first.
: (I better fit the little woman in there somewhere or its the dog
: house again :-)
: I have had no problems and I'm on 24/7 but I have heard some
: others...though not a lot, having a few problems but are soon fixed.
: RedBack

Hey there Australia dude, how come you folks always refers to us Yanks
as "Sepos"? Yeah I know, Sepo is short for Septic Tank but man, that
moniker is kinda brutal! Ya think? ;-)

Had to go after XP and 200x, ME wouldn't stay up long enough to know
if it was the virus or ME itself causing the reboot ;-)
JAD said:
OH no You mean that POS 'ME' wasn't infected? You 'ME' stompers,'XP'
touters reading this? ;^)

The perpatrators of the virus probably thought that those poor souls
using "ME" had already suffered enough !
Jim said:
Had to go after XP and 200x, ME wouldn't stay up long enough to know
if it was the virus or ME itself causing the reboot ;-)

Very funny. My customers who had ME could rest easy, nonetheless.