BH said:
Thanks for both.....didn't understand how they work as
never used one before. PS is there a fix for the Owner
problem? I am the only email using Outlook. Can't figure
out how another name got in there and how to get it out
then if that is the case.
So by "Owner" do you mean the name presented in the From field?
There are lots of John Smith's in the world and the same name is used by
all of them. I'm sure they get used to having someone around with their
same name. You expect a short 2-letter "BH" name to be all yours? I
notice you didn't get "BH" to use at for your username because
obviously someone got to it long before you. However, in newsgroups,
the name presented is whatever you put in the Name field in your news
account. You could leave it blank (if your news program allowed it),
could be the same as someone else's (either accidentally or
intentionally), could be anything you want. You could even use my
handle and there is no way for me to stop you. Unlike forums or chat
rooms or e-mail accounts that you have to register to use and which
check that another users isn't already using that name, newsgroups don't
require registration. You could call yourself "Viagra Man-Wanna-Be" or
"Totally Anti-Social" or "I Have No Life" or whatever you want, and so
can someone else. Use a handle that seems unique enough or descriptive
for you and hope you stick around longer than the other guy so you
become the resident taffer by that handle, or change yours to something
else (but no guarantees that it will remain unique).