News feeds not updating in My Yahoo



I have a My Yahoo page configured to display various news feeds: AP, Reuters,
etc. For the past week or so it's been "stuck", showing the same old lists,
or claiming that there are no new items when I know there are.

On another computer, everything is running fine, so I suspect this is caused
by some IE or Windows problem. I'm running IE6, WinXP Pro SP 2.

Any suggestions? Thanks,


Subsequent to my initial post I've tried clearing my cache and cookies, doing
a system restore, and even downloading/installing FireFox. The problem still
exists, in both browsers. So I suspect it may be a Windows issue as opposed
to an IE issue per se. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Robert Aldwinckle

adel_coll said:
I have a My Yahoo page configured to display various news feeds: AP, Reuters,
etc. For the past week or so it's been "stuck", showing the same old lists,
or claiming that there are no new items when I know there are.

On another computer, everything is running fine, so I suspect this is caused
by some IE or Windows problem. I'm running IE6, WinXP Pro SP 2.

Any suggestions? Thanks,

Does pressing Ctrl-F5 show you more recent content?
If not, the problem is outside your control. Notify your ISP.



I think you are right, it was a network problem. It was happening on my
laptop at work... I brought it home and attached it to the network at home,
problem gone. Then I brought it back in to work after a weekend and it's
still fine. They must have been doing something with the network here at my
office, but then fixed it.


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