I could find that research credible except for one nagging consideration...
that being the overwhelming majority of those who use the VB syntax and
grammar have made their disdain for the legacy C syntax and grammar loud and
clear from day one and now they are allegedly adopting Java?
Hardy har har.
On the other hand, there has been some talk in the trade magazines about a
dumbed down variant of Java intended to be used by VB developers. The
stories included talk about some kind of IDE that was going to be released.
The referenced research makes no mention of any such initiative which I
would think could be the only realistic way those who use VB could cope with
Java. Still... the syntax and grammar would remain derived from C and AFIK
VB developers as a cultural phenomena have not generally become well known
for having mastered JavaScript and there's no question they continue to
avoid adopting C#.
As for me, I am satisfied with my decision to adopt C# as having done so has
helped me become more adept with JavaScript and I find myself reading more
and more Java code these days which is helping me become more adept with OOP
as I can now "see" how the pinciples are being used from different
pespectives. I'm finding the use of a unified syntax and grammar to be in my
best interests.
<%= Clinton Gallagher
NET csgallagher AT metromilwaukee.com