Newline in tool tip ??

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dave Holmes
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Dave Holmes

I am using Access 2002 and am programmatically assigning tool tips to
items in an activeX ListView control, e.g.:

List.ListItems(i).TooltipText = "Blah, blah, blah"

Is there a way to place a newline in the tool tip?
vbCrlf and combinations of chr(13) and chr(10) aren't working for me.

Much obliged.
Dave Holmes said:
I am using Access 2002 and am programmatically assigning tool tips to
items in an activeX ListView control, e.g.:

List.ListItems(i).TooltipText = "Blah, blah, blah"

Is there a way to place a newline in the tool tip?
vbCrlf and combinations of chr(13) and chr(10) aren't working for me.

Much obliged.

I'm not sure, but i think you can use a TTM_RELAYEVENT in
this way, just to not use SubClassing....!

Call SendMessage(m_hWnd, TTM_RELAYEVENT, 0, lpMsg)

Type tagMSG
hWnd As Long
Message As Long
wParam As Long
lParam As Long
time As Long
End Type

[m_hwnd] may be ListView Handle....!!

Private Const WM_USER = &H400
Public Const TTM_RELAYEVENT = (WM_USER + 7)

Hope can help you...!
