A *constant* 75fps?
If you have 'Vertical Sync' enabled, you might GET 60 (or less) fps and
you will SEE 60 (or less).new display images per second
If you don't have VS enabled, you might GET 60 or more (or less) but
still SEE only 60 new display images per second.
Without VS enabeld, most display images will contain bands, one band
will have the information for frame number X, the next band will have to
info for frame number X+1 and so on. (the tearing effect I talked about).
So if you would compare a true constant 135fps with a true constant 75fps,
yes, you wouldn't see any difference in playability except that the 75fps
would have less bands and so less tearing.
And yes, here I do say that running at 75fps (constant!) is BETTER than
running at 135fps (again, constant!). And 60fps would be PERFECT with
your monitor..
Don't know if you ever played games on computers like an Amiga or Atari.
Can't compare the graphics with todays games, but those games were
running 50? (I think it was 50) fps, and they were running smooooooth.
The reason: most of those games were build to run at 50fps, not one frame
more, not one frame less.
But that's all theoretical nonsense now because no PC game will ever run
at a constant amount of fps. And therefore, your crossfire setup will
the minimum fps and will make the game run much much better
Just curious, I don't have the hardware (yet) to run much games at 100+
Do you know if games will look or play better on your machine if you
Vertical Sync?
I'm still addicted to the original Unreal Tournament, and with VS enabled
think it's running a bit more smooth.. but that could be just between my
Maybe there's also another point to take into consideration.
Don't know that much about game engines, but if the AI of the game also
once every frame, the AI will be more responsive when running at higher
frame rates. Maybe that's also giving the game a boost in playability.