


After installing and running the Anti spyware on my
Windows XP Professional PC, I am getting an error message
at startup saying that newdot~1.dll can not be run because
it is not found. Other than being an annoying message at
startup, it does not seem to have any adverse affect on
the system. How do I fix this problem or stop the error



Open the MS Anti Spyware program and go to Advanced Tools. Click on system
explorers and then click on Start up Programs. Find the entry in there.
Look in the lower right of the screen and you should see the appropriate
link to click on to get rid of it.


I have the same problem after running MSAS. MSAS cleaned
the "NEWDOT" spyware but somewhere in some startup file
or .ini something is trying to run the NEWDOT~2.dll but
can't find it. Any other suggestions?

Bill Sanderson

Ed - did you try Spider's suggestion:

In Microsoft Antispyware,

Go to Tools, Advanced tools, System Explorers.

Chose Startup Programs, in the left column.
Look for your item in the listing--it may not have the ~2 on the end--it may
be fully expanded, but it should be there, and at the bottom right, you can
choose to "Permanently remove startup program."

If you are not certain you have the correct entry, be safe, and choose
"Block this startup program." Either action should remove this error
message, which is harmless but annoying.

It simply indicates that a part of the clean-up operation from this piece of
spyware wasn't complete. The entry was left in the registry, but the actual
code (which is what was dangerous)--is gone, which is good!


Yes, but the program is not listed there because the
spyware deleted the program but not the instruction to
run it. I have taken Ron's suggestion. I ran the
Hijackthis.exe, saved the log & sent it to him in an
email. I hope he can tell me how to get rid of it.

Bill Sanderson

That should do the job. Hijack this lists a similar set of system
integration points, with an interface that labels them and allows for
checking and removing entries individually.

Reasonably safe from the perspective of the user, but requiring accurate
help from the expert doing the advising. I think this will be an easy fix.


I have the same problem but do not understand what the
solution is. I tried going to the advanced toos/start
programs and did not see the file.


"DM", if you send me your email address I'll send you
instructions on how to fix this. It worked for me
earlier this evening.


I have this same message as well as one other... Also, a
couple appear on my shut down. Please let us know how to
erradicate these anoying messagges. Thanks!

Mike Burgess

There are several ways to remove the "New.Net" error message
Open AntiSpyware | Advanced Tools | System Explorers
Click "Startup Programs", highlight the desired entry
Click "Permanently remove Startup program" (bottom right)

or manually ...
Start | Run (type) regedit
Navigate to the following location:


Highlight desired entry (right pane) right-click and select: Delete
Ok the prompt, close Regedit and reboot ...
Note: always Export before editing.
Mike Burgess [MVP Internet Explorer]
Blocking Spyware, Adware, Parasites, Hijackers, Trojans, with a HOSTS file [updated 01-23-05]
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