As suggested thought I would introduce myself.
AS I expect most do, I stumbled on this web site, via a Google search, whilst trying to find the answer to a problem.
I like forums and subscribe to a few on various subjects, so hope this will also be another 'must view' and not TOO addictive.
I am a Senior Surfer, with a built to order 3rd PC. AMP Sempron. A new Canon Pixma MP500 printer scanner - not got used to that yet, although have successfully injected a black cartridge with new ink - I thought I was getting a printer which would have cheaper cartridges than my Lexmark, but find that MP500's don't have 'compatibles' - whys that?!!
I have just got through - well nearly- the transfer of ISP from wanadoo to Sky Broadband - another learning experience to share; using a Yahoo email address now finally linked to Outlook ( from OE - another learning exercise). Hence a problem with an error message 623 - more annoying than a major heartache.
Living in Essex UK (is this a UK or US forum?) with wife Jean - am whats called an empty nester - with 2 sons and 4 grand-kids off the home scene although nearby.
hello to all
As suggested thought I would introduce myself.
AS I expect most do, I stumbled on this web site, via a Google search, whilst trying to find the answer to a problem.
I like forums and subscribe to a few on various subjects, so hope this will also be another 'must view' and not TOO addictive.
I am a Senior Surfer, with a built to order 3rd PC. AMP Sempron. A new Canon Pixma MP500 printer scanner - not got used to that yet, although have successfully injected a black cartridge with new ink - I thought I was getting a printer which would have cheaper cartridges than my Lexmark, but find that MP500's don't have 'compatibles' - whys that?!!
I have just got through - well nearly- the transfer of ISP from wanadoo to Sky Broadband - another learning experience to share; using a Yahoo email address now finally linked to Outlook ( from OE - another learning exercise). Hence a problem with an error message 623 - more annoying than a major heartache.
Living in Essex UK (is this a UK or US forum?) with wife Jean - am whats called an empty nester - with 2 sons and 4 grand-kids off the home scene although nearby.
hello to all