Newbiew question...PLEASE HELP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Fuzzy Logic
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Fuzzy Logic

I have created a form that accesses a very simple table called tabletest
with two fields:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four

I have created a form that displays one record from the form and has a
button on it. What I want to have happen when I have record 2 displayed and
hit the delete button is to get the following results:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Three
3 Four

preferably with the 'new' record 2 displayed.

My VBA/Access skills are currently very limited. Here is the code I have
from the button>Build Event for my form:

Private Sub Delete_Click()
Dim tempindex As Integer
tempindex = temp.index
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE tabletest.index=[tempindex]"
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tabletest SET tabletest.index = tabletest.index-1
WHERE tabletest.index > [tempindex]"
Exit Sub
End Sub

This is obviously not working. Can anyone fix the syntax of this to make it
work? Any pointers would be GREATLY appreciated as I am getting quite
frustrated with this. TIA
Fuzzy Logic said:
I have created a form that accesses a very simple table called
tabletest with two fields:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four

I have created a form that displays one record from the form and has a
button on it. What I want to have happen when I have record 2
displayed and hit the delete button is to get the following results:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Three
3 Four

preferably with the 'new' record 2 displayed.

My VBA/Access skills are currently very limited. Here is the code I
have from the button>Build Event for my form:

Private Sub Delete_Click()
Dim tempindex As Integer
tempindex = temp.index
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE
tabletest.index=[tempindex]" DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tabletest SET
tabletest.index = tabletest.index-1 WHERE tabletest.index >
[tempindex]" Exit Sub
End Sub

This is obviously not working. Can anyone fix the syntax of this to
make it work? Any pointers would be GREATLY appreciated as I am
getting quite frustrated with this. TIA

That doesn't look far off to me. Try this:

'----- start of revised (untested) code -----
Private Sub Delete_Click()

Dim lngIndex As Long

If IsNull(Me!Index) Then
MsgBox "I can't do it -- there's no index for this record!"
Exit Sub
End If

' Save value of current record's "Index" field.
lngIndex = Me!Index

' Save current record if it has been modified.
If Me.Dirty Then
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If

With CurrentDb

' Delete this record.
.Execute "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE [Index]=" & lngIndex, _

' Update subsequent indexes.
.Execute "UPDATE tabletest SET [Index] = [Index]-1 " & _
"WHERE [Index] > " & lngIndex, _

End With

' Requery the form to reflect changes to the table.

' If possible, position to the record that now has the same index
' as the one we deleted.
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "[Index]=" & lngIndex

End Sub

'----- end of revised code -----

I use the Execute method of the DAO Database object (returned by the
CurrentDb function) because that way I don't get the warnings about "You
are about to delete/update ...". But DoCmd.RunSQL would work fine
except for that.
Fuzzy Logic said:
I have created a form that accesses a very simple table called
tabletest with two fields:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four

I have created a form that displays one record from the form and has a
button on it. What I want to have happen when I have record 2
displayed and hit the delete button is to get the following results:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Three
3 Four

preferably with the 'new' record 2 displayed.

My VBA/Access skills are currently very limited. Here is the code I
have from the button>Build Event for my form:

Private Sub Delete_Click()
Dim tempindex As Integer
tempindex = temp.index
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE
tabletest.index=[tempindex]" DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tabletest SET
tabletest.index = tabletest.index-1 WHERE tabletest.index >
[tempindex]" Exit Sub
End Sub

This is obviously not working. Can anyone fix the syntax of this to
make it work? Any pointers would be GREATLY appreciated as I am
getting quite frustrated with this. TIA

That doesn't look far off to me. Try this:

'----- start of revised (untested) code -----
Private Sub Delete_Click()

Dim lngIndex As Long

If IsNull(Me!Index) Then
MsgBox "I can't do it -- there's no index for this record!"
Exit Sub
End If

' Save value of current record's "Index" field.
lngIndex = Me!Index

' Save current record if it has been modified.
If Me.Dirty Then
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If

With CurrentDb

' Delete this record.
.Execute "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE [Index]=" & lngIndex, _

' Update subsequent indexes.
.Execute "UPDATE tabletest SET [Index] = [Index]-1 " & _
"WHERE [Index] > " & lngIndex, _

End With

' Requery the form to reflect changes to the table.

' If possible, position to the record that now has the same index
' as the one we deleted.
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "[Index]=" & lngIndex

End Sub

'----- end of revised code -----

I use the Execute method of the DAO Database object (returned by the
CurrentDb function) because that way I don't get the warnings about "You
are about to delete/update ...". But DoCmd.RunSQL would work fine
except for that.

Thanks for replying. I haven't tried this code yet but want to clarify
some things. Remember that I am new to Access/VBA. What are the Me. and
Me! references and what do they do?
Fuzzy Logic said:
Fuzzy Logic said:
I have created a form that accesses a very simple table called
tabletest with two fields:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four

I have created a form that displays one record from the form and
has a button on it. What I want to have happen when I have record 2
displayed and hit the delete button is to get the following results:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Three
3 Four

preferably with the 'new' record 2 displayed.

My VBA/Access skills are currently very limited. Here is the code I
have from the button>Build Event for my form:

Private Sub Delete_Click()
Dim tempindex As Integer
tempindex = temp.index
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE
tabletest.index=[tempindex]" DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tabletest SET
tabletest.index = tabletest.index-1 WHERE tabletest.index >
[tempindex]" Exit Sub
End Sub

This is obviously not working. Can anyone fix the syntax of this to
make it work? Any pointers would be GREATLY appreciated as I am
getting quite frustrated with this. TIA

That doesn't look far off to me. Try this:

'----- start of revised (untested) code -----
Private Sub Delete_Click()

Dim lngIndex As Long

If IsNull(Me!Index) Then
MsgBox "I can't do it -- there's no index for this record!"
Exit Sub
End If

' Save value of current record's "Index" field.
lngIndex = Me!Index

' Save current record if it has been modified.
If Me.Dirty Then
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If

With CurrentDb

' Delete this record.
.Execute "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE [Index]=" &
lngIndex, _ dbFailOnError

' Update subsequent indexes.
.Execute "UPDATE tabletest SET [Index] = [Index]-1 " & _
"WHERE [Index] > " & lngIndex, _

End With

' Requery the form to reflect changes to the table.

' If possible, position to the record that now has the same index
' as the one we deleted.
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "[Index]=" & lngIndex

End Sub

'----- end of revised code -----

I use the Execute method of the DAO Database object (returned by the
CurrentDb function) because that way I don't get the warnings about
"You are about to delete/update ...". But DoCmd.RunSQL would work
fine except for that.

Thanks for replying. I haven't tried this code yet but want to clarify
some things. Remember that I am new to Access/VBA. What are the Me.
and Me! references and what do they do?

The keyword "Me" is a reference to the class object in which the code is
running. So in code behind a form, "Me" refers to that form, whereas in
code behind a report it refers to that report, and in a regular class
module it refers to the current instance of that class.

In referring to controls on a form, use of the "Me" keyword isn't
strictly necessary, because it's assumed for any name that cannot
otherwise be resolved. However, saying Me!<control name> avoids all
doubt, and makes sure there can be no confusion if the same name could
have multiple interpretations.

Technically, "Me!SomeName" should be used to refer to a control on the
form (the "bang" (!) says that SomeName is a member of a collection, in
this case the form's Controls collection), while Me.SomeName should be
used to refer to a property or method of the form. Access blurs this
distinction, however, and you can use Me.ControlName freely in all cases
where it couldn't be confused with a property or method of the same
name. My habit is to use "Me." where I can, and when my interest is in
the value of the control. However, since your field and the control
bound to it both appear to be named "Index", which is a meaningful word
in other contexts -- and hence a bad choice for a user-defined name -- I
went to some lengths to ensure that Access wouldn't be confused by it.
Fuzzy Logic said:
I have created a form that accesses a very simple table called
tabletest with two fields:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four

I have created a form that displays one record from the form and
has a button on it. What I want to have happen when I have record 2
displayed and hit the delete button is to get the following results:

Index Comment
1 One
2 Three
3 Four

preferably with the 'new' record 2 displayed.

My VBA/Access skills are currently very limited. Here is the code I
have from the button>Build Event for my form:

Private Sub Delete_Click()
Dim tempindex As Integer
tempindex = temp.index
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE
tabletest.index=[tempindex]" DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE tabletest SET
tabletest.index = tabletest.index-1 WHERE tabletest.index >
[tempindex]" Exit Sub
End Sub

This is obviously not working. Can anyone fix the syntax of this to
make it work? Any pointers would be GREATLY appreciated as I am
getting quite frustrated with this. TIA

That doesn't look far off to me. Try this:

'----- start of revised (untested) code -----
Private Sub Delete_Click()

Dim lngIndex As Long

If IsNull(Me!Index) Then
MsgBox "I can't do it -- there's no index for this record!"
Exit Sub
End If

' Save value of current record's "Index" field.
lngIndex = Me!Index

' Save current record if it has been modified.
If Me.Dirty Then
RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
End If

With CurrentDb

' Delete this record.
.Execute "DELETE * FROM tabletest WHERE [Index]=" &
lngIndex, _ dbFailOnError

' Update subsequent indexes.
.Execute "UPDATE tabletest SET [Index] = [Index]-1 " & _
"WHERE [Index] > " & lngIndex, _

End With

' Requery the form to reflect changes to the table.

' If possible, position to the record that now has the same index
' as the one we deleted.
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "[Index]=" & lngIndex

End Sub

'----- end of revised code -----

I use the Execute method of the DAO Database object (returned by the
CurrentDb function) because that way I don't get the warnings about
"You are about to delete/update ...". But DoCmd.RunSQL would work
fine except for that.

Thanks for replying. I haven't tried this code yet but want to clarify
some things. Remember that I am new to Access/VBA. What are the Me.
and Me! references and what do they do?

The keyword "Me" is a reference to the class object in which the code is
running. So in code behind a form, "Me" refers to that form, whereas in
code behind a report it refers to that report, and in a regular class
module it refers to the current instance of that class.

In referring to controls on a form, use of the "Me" keyword isn't
strictly necessary, because it's assumed for any name that cannot
otherwise be resolved. However, saying Me!<control name> avoids all
doubt, and makes sure there can be no confusion if the same name could
have multiple interpretations.

Technically, "Me!SomeName" should be used to refer to a control on the
form (the "bang" (!) says that SomeName is a member of a collection, in
this case the form's Controls collection), while Me.SomeName should be
used to refer to a property or method of the form. Access blurs this
distinction, however, and you can use Me.ControlName freely in all cases
where it couldn't be confused with a property or method of the same
name. My habit is to use "Me." where I can, and when my interest is in
the value of the control. However, since your field and the control
bound to it both appear to be named "Index", which is a meaningful word
in other contexts -- and hence a bad choice for a user-defined name -- I
went to some lengths to ensure that Access wouldn't be confused by it.

Thanks for clarifying that. It's pretty much what I assumed and have seen
it used in other code fragments and wasn't sure. Is "Me" an acronym for
something or have any special meaning?
Fuzzy Logic said:
Thanks for clarifying that. It's pretty much what I assumed and have
seen it used in other code fragments and wasn't sure. Is "Me" an
acronym for something or have any special meaning?

Yeah ... it means "me" -- this code object here who's talking. <g>