Beth C
I am using DTS to create an XML file including a DateTime field from a
SQL Server 2000 database. I'm trying to use ReadXMLSchema and ReadXML
to load a dataset based on this file. I need the date field to be
recognized as a date field in the new dataset so that I can sort by an
actual date instead of the date's string value. (Pretty standard
stuff.) I created the schema by reading in the data without a schema
and then writing the schema of the dataset using WriteXMLSchema. As
suspected, all fields were inferred to be strings. When I read the
data in using this schema, the data is read as expected. If I change
the element containing the date field to a dateTime type, I get a
FormatException error.
I've included the pertinent code below. If this isn't sufficient, I
can post whatever is necessary to track the problem.
Any insights appreciated.
Code that creates XML file:
Set elDataSet = xmlDoc.createElement("NewDataSet")
xmlDoc.AppendChild elDataSet
Set elFProjInfo = xmlDoc.createElement("FProjInfo")
elDataSet.AppendChild elFProjInfo
Set elProjDate = xmlDoc.createElement("ProjDate")
elFProjInfo.appendChild elProjDate
Set txtProjDate = xmlDoc.createTextNode(oRS("ProjDate")
elProjDate.AppendChild txtProjDate
Schema file:
<xs:element name="ProjDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
XML file:
- <FProjInfo>
<Notes />
<size36 />
<size40 />
<size180 />
<Brix />
<Ratio />
<Location />
<FldBoxes />
Code that Reads XML:
Public Const gsInfoFile =
Public Const gsInfoSchema =
SQL Server 2000 database. I'm trying to use ReadXMLSchema and ReadXML
to load a dataset based on this file. I need the date field to be
recognized as a date field in the new dataset so that I can sort by an
actual date instead of the date's string value. (Pretty standard
stuff.) I created the schema by reading in the data without a schema
and then writing the schema of the dataset using WriteXMLSchema. As
suspected, all fields were inferred to be strings. When I read the
data in using this schema, the data is read as expected. If I change
the element containing the date field to a dateTime type, I get a
FormatException error.
I've included the pertinent code below. If this isn't sufficient, I
can post whatever is necessary to track the problem.
Any insights appreciated.
Code that creates XML file:
Set elDataSet = xmlDoc.createElement("NewDataSet")
xmlDoc.AppendChild elDataSet
Set elFProjInfo = xmlDoc.createElement("FProjInfo")
elDataSet.AppendChild elFProjInfo
Set elProjDate = xmlDoc.createElement("ProjDate")
elFProjInfo.appendChild elProjDate
Set txtProjDate = xmlDoc.createTextNode(oRS("ProjDate")
elProjDate.AppendChild txtProjDate
Schema file:
<xs:element name="ProjDate" type="xs:dateTime" minOccurs="0" />
XML file:
- <FProjInfo>
<Notes />
<size36 />
<size40 />
<size180 />
<Brix />
<Ratio />
<Location />
<FldBoxes />
Code that Reads XML:
Public Const gsInfoFile =
Public Const gsInfoSchema =