Many thanks in advance! I know very little about Excel....but here i
what I thought was a simple exercise:
I wanted to sell some stock. Since the stock isn't doing too well righ
now, I wanted to compare what I paid for it (ESPP) in the past with ho
it is doing today - then figure out if I'd be losing money (and ho
much). Since the values fluctuate over time (Stock price), I though
"Hmm...what a good way to learn Excel"
Essentially, all I am trying to do is figure out my loss if I were t
sell today, at $84.39. When trying to subtract an amount from today'
price, I keep getting #value error. I've tried formatting th
appropriate cells to a common format (currency) - thinking all thi
cutting and pasting might have something hidden...but to no avail
Hopefully, the example enclosed will explain.
Many thanks for any assistance
Attachment filename: example.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=68481
Many thanks in advance! I know very little about Excel....but here i
what I thought was a simple exercise:
I wanted to sell some stock. Since the stock isn't doing too well righ
now, I wanted to compare what I paid for it (ESPP) in the past with ho
it is doing today - then figure out if I'd be losing money (and ho
much). Since the values fluctuate over time (Stock price), I though
"Hmm...what a good way to learn Excel"

Essentially, all I am trying to do is figure out my loss if I were t
sell today, at $84.39. When trying to subtract an amount from today'
price, I keep getting #value error. I've tried formatting th
appropriate cells to a common format (currency) - thinking all thi
cutting and pasting might have something hidden...but to no avail
Hopefully, the example enclosed will explain.
Many thanks for any assistance
Attachment filename: example.xls
Download attachment: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=68481