this is my first try to develop an application targeting a Pocket PC - but
some really newbie questions are still unsolved for me
- Is there any difference between Windows Mobile (SE) 2003 and Win CE?
- Is it possible to simulate a ActiveSync event (pocket pc plugged into
docking station) with the emulator services that are included in vs.net 2003?
- Are there any special resources for this type of development on any web
site you'd recommend?
this is my first try to develop an application targeting a Pocket PC - but
some really newbie questions are still unsolved for me

- Is there any difference between Windows Mobile (SE) 2003 and Win CE?
- Is it possible to simulate a ActiveSync event (pocket pc plugged into
docking station) with the emulator services that are included in vs.net 2003?
- Are there any special resources for this type of development on any web
site you'd recommend?