Newbie questions

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Shane Story

I am new to video editing.

I would like to take some VHS tapes, capture to the computer, edit and then
burn to DVD in the normal size, speed etc. of DVD's from Hollywood.

I have been able to capture video from my Sony Camcorder, but no audio. My
cam isn't digital. I has and AV cable. I know I need a converter to get
the audio.

Anyhow, what resolution do I need for standard TV viewing DVD? seems 720 is
the max it will capture. Is that enough? Do I need special DVD creation
WMM make WMV files I believe. What is the standard format for movie DVD's?
I have Nero Express 6.0 also.

Any pointers in accomplishing my goal would be appreciated.


I use a Sony 460 camera (digital/hi 8) and use it as the converter for my
analog(VHS tapes). I have firewire /Card, the usb 2 hook ups I have don't
work on my Sony camera. You need the firewire card to get everything audio
and video in sync or you will have to use a USB 1 which will not give you
very good Quality. USB 2 is the way to go but very few Cameras use this and
the ones that do are high end cameras.

Sony has a guide to step you through the process.

I use WinDV as my program to capture video and it is free so that is great
for me. It also is very easy to use, no dropped
frames either. Your lack of sound may be from the program you are capturing
your video I have heard many problems from Nero and Ulead products. Sony has
it's own but again people have said it is not stable all the time.

I then use either Movie Factory 2 or Movie Maker to edit then save as AVI-DV
then use Ulead to burn, but Nero will do the same for you. I use DVD-r it is
cheap and while I have dual burner the price of the dual layer DVD's are to
expensive for me.

You will have to check the formats of your DVD player.

Hope this helps.
