Hi Jean,
1) In order to build web application can I only buy VB.net instead of the
studio.net package ?
There is not a VB.Net package separate from Visual Studio.Net.
2) Is ASP.net build into VB .net ?
No. ASP.Net is an Internet Server technology, not a programming language.
ASP.Net is installed with the .Net platform. As you probably already know,
the .Net platform is a free download from Windows Update.
3) Does Web Matrix can do all that vb.net does with web application ?
As the answer to your first question indicates, you would have to compare
Web Matrix to Visual Studio.Net, and I'm sure you realize the answer to that
is a definite "no." Web Matrix is a free download from
which is a Microsoft-owned web site for ASP.Net developers. It doesn't even
include a compiler, but instead, uses scripting to create ASP.Net pages and
Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.