What kind of look are you after? If it is just a windows XP look it is
possible with .NET1.x (VS2003) also
For VS2003 you need to add the following lines in your Main method (before
you call Application.Run method)
if(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major > 5 ||
(Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major == 5 &&
Environment.OSVersion.Version.Minor >= 1))
then you need to go over all your UI controls, such as buttons, groupboxes,
comboboxes, etc and set their FlatStyle to FlatStyle.System. If you don't do
that the UI will keep showing with the old look and feel.
For .NET 2.0 (VS2005) the only think that you need to do is to add
call in your Main method. You don't need to change the FlatStyle. Project
convertor don't do this for you.
If you are after the new menu and toolbar controls, I'm afraid you need to
add and program them from scrach. The converter don't convert the old
toolbars and menus to the new cool MenuStrip and ToolStrip controls.
Stoitcho Goutsev (100) [C# MVP]