Newbie Question on Forms



I guess I've been doing web development too long as this question feels like
I should already know the answer.

I have noticed in the sample applications created by Microsoft that the
projects consist of a single windows form. When I look at this form in VS
2003 there are no controls on the form, in design view, and it appears that
the code to place controls on the page is done manually through individual
class files.

Now, I'm not against this, but I'm trying to learn not only the "how"s, but
also the "why"s. It would definitely seem simplere to create multiple
windows forms adn to use design view to drag and drop controls onto the form.
Is there a reason why this is not a good idea?

Oh, I should say that I'm working in a situation in which there will be
multiple screens, not just a single screen.

Thanks for any advice you can provide,
-Neil K.

Chris Tacke, eMVP

There's something wrong with your setup then, the controls should be on the
Form and editable through the designer. Manual placement is a real pain.


Chris Tacke, eMVP

If it's an old example, based off the SDE when visual inheritance or custom
conttrols were supported in the designer, then that might explain it. Witht
he actual CF 1.0, custom controls need special attention for designer
support (a separately compiled DLL) and visual inheritance just isn't there.


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