To illustrate better what i mean, for example, place a Listbox including its
items and ContextMenuStrip control on your form and add 2 items in it named
"Paste" and "Copy", then double click each and place each proper code(the
code in previous post) in their click event, then through properties window
of Listbox, associate Listbox's ContextMenuStrip property with your
ContextMenuStrip (by default it would be named ContextMenuStrip1).
For example to use copy functionality, select an item in Listbox, then right
click, your ContextMenuStrip will appear, click "Copy" (that is, your
ContextMenuStrip's item) then selected item will be copied to clipboard.
After that you're ready to paste it to any text area or listbox using add or
insert method.
Hope it's clear,
Onur Güzel