Hi, just messing around and trying to get my feet wet with VB Express
and some code.... I've got this little program, and I am trying to
figure out how to call a function that is setup as a button (without
pressing the button, just run the function:
If I just put that on a line by itself, it reads back 'declaration
expected'...... how do I run Somefunction() like a general call you
would have in javascript like <script>somejsfuntion();</script>, except
in VB???
and some code.... I've got this little program, and I am trying to
figure out how to call a function that is setup as a button (without
pressing the button, just run the function:
If I just put that on a line by itself, it reads back 'declaration
expected'...... how do I run Somefunction() like a general call you
would have in javascript like <script>somejsfuntion();</script>, except
in VB???