newbie question - GetClassInfo ...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mr. X.
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It has been. Of course, the broader question is why this guy is using .NET
at all. From his posts, it seems pretty clear he's just basically writing
unmanaged code, but doing it that hard way (from within .NET).

.NET is wonderful, if you're willing to do things the .NET way. But if you
insist on writing only unmanaged code, doing it all from .NET is just
insane. It's much easier to just write regular unmanaged code in a regular
unmanaged language (e.g. C++).


Totally agree on the getting managed thing. Yesterday I just wrote a solution to monitor a linux box folders in a NAS and convert it withing another server. All managed code, just needs ffmpeg installed (and that can be installed at linux and windows).

The important thing is this: If I had not used managed code i would have been crazy task, but using managed code I could just copy the assembly in the linux box and run it with linux .NET framework (mono ffmpegConversor.exe).

It is much harder to imagine the format (ffmpeg command line) that my TV can reproduce than writting the monitor and conversion c# code.

BTW. When im done maybe I upload the code to sourceforge or somewhere similar, just because i think that code is a usefull tool.