As mentioned before, a lot of these are basic HTML and CSS questions, so
you would probably do well to get a book on standards-based web design,
as that would help immensely.
1 - How do I specify the style sheet? The CssClass value is not
defined is the message I get.
A few ways...
1) Add a <link> tag in the <head> section of your HTML. This will
probably be in the master page, but does not have to be.
2) Use themes. That way you don't need to include the CSS file yourself,
as the ASP.NET engine will do it for you.
3) There are ways of using properties of the page to set style sheets,
but I don't see the point as they are more complex, and have no benefit
2 - It doesn't recognize <embed>. I have a Flash stuff at the top.
<embed> has never been valid HTML. It was introduced by either MS or
Netscape during the browsers wars, but was never adopted officially.
The said:
3 - In <td> it says that "height" is obsolete and that I should use a
newer one. What is the newer one? I tried style="height=35".
Height, along with (almost) all other presentation-based attributes is
obsolete as this sort of stuff should be done with CSS.
The reason your CSS isn't working is that your syntax is wrong. It
should be... style="height:35px" - note that you need units there. Just
using style="height:35" is invalid, and can give unpredictable results.
However, doesn't whatever is in the "style" have to be in double
quotes, so how would one enclose the "35"?
See previous.
4 - It says that "background" is invalid in <td>. Since I point to an
image file, which appears in the browser by the way, what is the proper
one to use? Obviously, it must be getting it because when I test it,
the image appears.
Again, the background attribute is obsolete. The following will set a
background for a <td>...
<td style="background: #fff url(image.gif)">
This will set the background of the cell to white, and use image.gif for
a background image. Again, a good book on standards-based web design
5 - It say that "img" requires the "alt" tag. I currently don't have
one. What should I use?
Depends what the image is there for. The alt attribute (it's not a tag,
it's an attribute of the <img> tag) is intended to supply alternate text
in case the image is not rendered. Therefore, the alt text should
describe the image.
If your image does not have any semantic meaning (which begs the
question why you are using it), then just set the alt text to an empty
6 - It also says that bgcolor is outdated. Again, what is the
See above for the background element in CSS.
Is there somewhere that you can point me to find out what all the
replacements are and their syntax? is the definitive source for info on CSS and HTML.
There are many good sites and books around that will explain them in
easier terms for a beginner.
7 - Ditto for "align" in <div>
<div style="align:right">...</div>
However, aligning in divs isn't as easy as it sounds as you have to
understand how divs work. Again, a good book on CSS will help.
FWIW I found Eric Meyer's two "...On CSS" books very good for learning
basic CSS. They show you how to convert a pre-CSS layout to a CSS one,
and are presented in a very clear way.