Newbie Projects and Solutions


Buz Waitz

Please somebody help! I'm desperately stuck.

I was using VS/VB.Net on my server and was pursuaded to copy the folder to
my lap top to do most of my development there. I was told that I only needed
to copy the folder back to the server to activate my changes.

Well now everything is screwy. When I copy the folder back, I get errors
opening whether I try to open the project from the web within VS, or try to
open the project files from explorer (sln or vbproj). What do I need to do
to get my pointers straightened out again. And after this, am I better off
copying only the aspx and ddl back and forth?


Ken Tucker [MVP]


You need to have the app in a virtual directory for and 2003. I would one the project file instead of the

Please somebody help! I'm desperately stuck.

I was using VS/VB.Net on my server and was pursuaded to copy the folder to
my lap top to do most of my development there. I was told that I only needed
to copy the folder back to the server to activate my changes.

Well now everything is screwy. When I copy the folder back, I get errors
opening whether I try to open the project from the web within VS, or try to
open the project files from explorer (sln or vbproj). What do I need to do
to get my pointers straightened out again. And after this, am I better off
copying only the aspx and ddl back and forth?


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