Newbie PowerPoint 2000 animation question

  • Thread starter Thread starter David E.
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David E.


I'm trying to do something in PowerPoint 2000 which is probably simple for
experienced folks, but I'm stumped.

I have a slide with nothing more than a title and a numbered list consisting
of a few items. The items represent a sequence of steps to reach a goal.
E.g., the title might be "How to open a door" and the list might be: 1. Walk
up to door 2. Turn handle 3. Push door open.

Now, suppose that suddenly, someone locks the door from the inside, thereby
requiring the insertion of two steps: 1a. Insert key into lock 1b. Turn key
in lock.

What I want to happen on my slide is to begin with my original list of three
items. Then I want to animate items 2 and 3, by making them appear to drop
down to a lower position on the slide, leaving a gap for the insertion of
steps 1a and 1b. Finally, I want to fly in steps 1a and 1b into the space on
the slide where items 2 and 3 used to be. This would leave a slide with five
items in the list: 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 3.

I actually don't care about the numbers; that would be gravy. It's the text
I care about. Obviously, my presentation isn't about opening doors, but it
is about showing how a process changes by the insertion of intermediate
steps. This was the best way I could think of to illustrate this visually,
but I can't figure out how to do it in PowerPoint 2000.

Is it possible? Can anyone help me? Thank you so much!

You would need to use individual textboxes for the various pieces of text.
So 1, 2, and 3 would each be a textbox, then the 1a/1b would be another

You would then create autoshapes with background-colored fills to cover #2
and 3. Have them come in on mouseclick. Then animate in a copy of textboxes
2 and 3 in their appropriate lower places. Have these happen automatically
0-seconds after previous. Do the same with the textbox for 1a/1b.

You won't be able to make the textboxes for 2 and 3 really look like they're
moving lower. (You'd need PPT 2002 [aka PPT XP] or 2003 to do that with
motion paths.) But you can use a crawl animation or something like that, so
it's not quite as abrupt as just an "appear."
Thanks very much; that works very nicely!


Echo S said:
You would need to use individual textboxes for the various pieces of text.
So 1, 2, and 3 would each be a textbox, then the 1a/1b would be another

You would then create autoshapes with background-colored fills to cover #2
and 3. Have them come in on mouseclick. Then animate in a copy of textboxes
2 and 3 in their appropriate lower places. Have these happen automatically
0-seconds after previous. Do the same with the textbox for 1a/1b.

You won't be able to make the textboxes for 2 and 3 really look like they're
moving lower. (You'd need PPT 2002 [aka PPT XP] or 2003 to do that with
motion paths.) But you can use a crawl animation or something like that, so
it's not quite as abrupt as just an "appear."

presenter, PPT Live '04
Oct 10-13, San Diego

David E. said:

I'm trying to do something in PowerPoint 2000 which is probably simple for
experienced folks, but I'm stumped.

I have a slide with nothing more than a title and a numbered list consisting
of a few items. The items represent a sequence of steps to reach a goal.
E.g., the title might be "How to open a door" and the list might be: 1. Walk
up to door 2. Turn handle 3. Push door open.

Now, suppose that suddenly, someone locks the door from the inside, thereby
requiring the insertion of two steps: 1a. Insert key into lock 1b. Turn key
in lock.

What I want to happen on my slide is to begin with my original list of three
items. Then I want to animate items 2 and 3, by making them appear to drop
down to a lower position on the slide, leaving a gap for the insertion of
steps 1a and 1b. Finally, I want to fly in steps 1a and 1b into the
the slide where items 2 and 3 used to be. This would leave a slide with five
items in the list: 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 3.

I actually don't care about the numbers; that would be gravy. It's the text
I care about. Obviously, my presentation isn't about opening doors, but it
is about showing how a process changes by the insertion of intermediate
steps. This was the best way I could think of to illustrate this visually,
but I can't figure out how to do it in PowerPoint 2000.

Is it possible? Can anyone help me? Thank you so much!

What I want to happen on my slide is to begin with my original list of three
items. Then I want to animate items 2 and 3, by making them appear to drop
down to a lower position on the slide, leaving a gap for the insertion of
steps 1a and 1b. Finally, I want to fly in steps 1a and 1b into the space on
the slide where items 2 and 3 used to be. This would leave a slide with five
items in the list: 1, 1a, 1b, 2, 3.

A little different take from Echo's:

Slide 1:

Point 1
Point 2
Point 3

Slide 2

Point 1<shift+enter shift+enter>
Point 2
Point 3

ShiftEnter spaces points 2 and 3 down w/o adding extra bullets (which you
wouldn't see in 2000 even with regular ENTERs, but which might show up in the

Might want to do a wipe down transition to see if that helps along the effect
of the text moving down.

Now animate in your other two points as individual add'l text boxes.

I actually don't care about the numbers; that would be gravy. It's the text
I care about. Obviously, my presentation isn't about opening doors, but it
is about showing how a process changes by the insertion of intermediate
steps. This was the best way I could think of to illustrate this visually,
but I can't figure out how to do it in PowerPoint 2000.

Is it possible? Can anyone help me? Thank you so much!


Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP
Featured Presenter, PowerPoint Live 2004
October 10-13, San Diego, CA