IF you have FP extensions on the webserver...
Open FP at home machine
Open Web/Site
type in
You'll get a prompt for un/pw
once it's opened you're actually seeing the web "live" on the server in FP
File | Publish Web/Site
then you will name the location on your local machine (exact location may vary) but it may be something like: C:\My Documents\My Webs\fred
NB: "fred" will be your local web...you can name it ANYTHING you want...but, don't an an extension.
then just publish it to your machine.
Close the live web.
Then you'll always work with the local web opened and Publish it to the server. This way you will always have a copy too.
| Thank you for your reply!
| Exactly how would I "publish it back to my computer"?
| Also, after I do so, can I erase everthing from work and be done with it?
| "Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > If your server has FP extensions installed...why not Publish it from the work computer to the online web, then when you go home open the web "live" with FP and Publish it back to your home computer's hd.
| >
| >
| > | I have created a disk-based website on my work computer with FP. However,
| > | when finished, I want to transfer the site to my home computer and publish it
| > | from there using FP. Can I easily transfer the files to my home, or will I
| > | run into problems with links and wrong directory names?
| >