In the AfterUpdate event of the first list box, put code that checks what
value's been selected, and toggle the visibility of the other listbox based
on that.
Your code would be something along the lines of:
Private Sub List0_AfterUpdate()
Me.List1.Visible = (Me.List0 = "First Item")
Me.List2.Visible = (Me.List0 = "Second Item")
Me.List3.Visible = (Me.List0 = "Third Item")
Me.List4.Visible = (Me.List0 = "Fourth Item")
Me.List5.Visible = (Me.List0 = "Fifth Item")
End Sub
Note that this will only work if List0 is not set to allow Multiselect. The
reason for setting the visibility of each of the other 5 listboxes is to
ensure that they're hidden if they were previously visible and no longer
should be.