I have a spreadsheet like table that I want to break down. I have the
concept but need help/recommendations with Keys and relationships.
The machine_id is unique. The server name is linked to the machine_id,
but the name can change (ex. server1a when being built, then server1
when in production). There can be multiple QC's done on a server,
usually only one request per QC 1 or 2 - but can have another request
months later.
This is making my head hurt, so if anyone can shed some light it would
be much appreciated.
Build Type
Received Request
QC 1 Started
QC 1 Major Findings
QC 1 Minor Findings
QC 1 Comments
QC 1 Completed
QC 1 Performed By
Sent to Programmers
QC 2 Started
QC 2 Major Findings
QC 2 Minor Findings
QC 2 Reason in wait status
QC 2 Comments
QC 2 Completed
QC 2 Performed By
Broken Down:
Table 1: machine_id (unique) {Long Integer}
Table 2: Server (can be different name (rename, rebuilds, etc) but
still linked to machine_id) {Text}
Build Type {Text}
Table 3: Received Request {Short date}
Sent to Programmers {Short date}
Returned {Short date}
Table 4: QC Type (1 or 2) {Long Integer}
Started {Short Date}
Major Findings {Text}
Minor Findings {Text}
Comments {Text}
Completed {Short Date}
Performed By {Text}
Table 5: QC 2 Reason in wait status {Text}
Follow up {Short date}
Contact {Text}
concept but need help/recommendations with Keys and relationships.
The machine_id is unique. The server name is linked to the machine_id,
but the name can change (ex. server1a when being built, then server1
when in production). There can be multiple QC's done on a server,
usually only one request per QC 1 or 2 - but can have another request
months later.
This is making my head hurt, so if anyone can shed some light it would
be much appreciated.
Build Type
Received Request
QC 1 Started
QC 1 Major Findings
QC 1 Minor Findings
QC 1 Comments
QC 1 Completed
QC 1 Performed By
Sent to Programmers
QC 2 Started
QC 2 Major Findings
QC 2 Minor Findings
QC 2 Reason in wait status
QC 2 Comments
QC 2 Completed
QC 2 Performed By
Broken Down:
Table 1: machine_id (unique) {Long Integer}
Table 2: Server (can be different name (rename, rebuilds, etc) but
still linked to machine_id) {Text}
Build Type {Text}
Table 3: Received Request {Short date}
Sent to Programmers {Short date}
Returned {Short date}
Table 4: QC Type (1 or 2) {Long Integer}
Started {Short Date}
Major Findings {Text}
Minor Findings {Text}
Comments {Text}
Completed {Short Date}
Performed By {Text}
Table 5: QC 2 Reason in wait status {Text}
Follow up {Short date}
Contact {Text}