Newbie help please


Brian Tozer

I have downloaded, unzipped, and run, the GetInfo file from Chip Pearson's
page at:-

The explanation on the above page states:-

"The GetInfo function, written in VBA, allows you to retrieve nearly any
property of any object in the Excel object model directly from a worksheet
cell. Using this one function, you can eliminate dozens of custom UDFs to
get application and object properties."

I am a newbie struggling to upskill somewhat in Excel.
I am using Excel 2002.

Could someone please give me a brief comment on just exactly how I could use
the above in practice.
I have been doing a lot of background research and printed gazillions of
pages of help info, and think that I can flesh out the details once I have a
pointer in the right direction.

Brian Tozer

Bob Phillips


Chip gives you a workbook that gives you all of the information that you
ask. What more do you need?



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Brian Tozer

As I wrote, I have run the file.
I have examined the result.
I think you may find it hard to think like a newbie.

Presumably it is intended to be used in conjunction with an existing
How exactly?

Brian Tozer

Trevor Shuttleworth


just select one of the cells in column B and then cursor down. The formulae
are in the cells. These are the examples of using the function. I guess
the more VBA you know, the further you can take this. There is more
explanation in the VBA code itself.

So, if for some reason you want to create a formula that is dependent on the
colour of the text in a cell, you could test it using Chip's GetInfo

For example:

=IF(getinfo(A1,"font.bold"),"text is bold","text is NOT bold")

Beware though that the value does not seem to be recalculated automatically
even though "Application.Volatile True" is included.



Gord Dibben


You can export the modGetInfo module from Chip's workbook then import it to
your Personal.xls workbook or into a blank workbook which you could then Save
As>File Type>Excel Add-in(*.xla)

The GetInfo Function would then be available for any/all open workbooks.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Brian Tozer

Thanks very much Trevor.
You have given me the breakthru that I needed.
Brian Tozer

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