How can I synchronize two controls from two different datasets?
Here is the situation:
I have followed a tutorial's advice (known DB book) and I have associated
*one* table per dataset.
There are a couple of lists and textboxes in my form bound to that dataset
For example when a user scrolls down the EmployeeName list, the EmployeeID
list gets updated with the appropriate entry. But these two fields belong to
the same table in my database.
How can i synchronize another textbox (e.g. EmployeeYearsExperience) but
whose information belongs to another table and is related with the original
table through a relationship (of course !...).
I tried to actually introduce both tables in the adapter and, consecuently,
in the dataset that will be created by it, but it seems that i don't have
much control in the relationship properties between the two.
Something important: I want ALL the information from the first table, in
other words be able to scroll through All employees, however the
yearsofexperience table is not complete, i.e. there exist EmployeeID's who
don't have a corresponding entry. Is this impossible to make or can the
"synchronization" be smart enough to simply Not display info if it doesn't
exist (NOT <null> !).
(The problem is very simple i just tried to give all the details so that
there are no misunderstandings)
Any guidance/help in the right direction would be GREATELY appreciated, as
this is work related....
Thanx in Advance
How can I synchronize two controls from two different datasets?
Here is the situation:
I have followed a tutorial's advice (known DB book) and I have associated
*one* table per dataset.
There are a couple of lists and textboxes in my form bound to that dataset
For example when a user scrolls down the EmployeeName list, the EmployeeID
list gets updated with the appropriate entry. But these two fields belong to
the same table in my database.
How can i synchronize another textbox (e.g. EmployeeYearsExperience) but
whose information belongs to another table and is related with the original
table through a relationship (of course !...).
I tried to actually introduce both tables in the adapter and, consecuently,
in the dataset that will be created by it, but it seems that i don't have
much control in the relationship properties between the two.
Something important: I want ALL the information from the first table, in
other words be able to scroll through All employees, however the
yearsofexperience table is not complete, i.e. there exist EmployeeID's who
don't have a corresponding entry. Is this impossible to make or can the
"synchronization" be smart enough to simply Not display info if it doesn't
exist (NOT <null> !).
(The problem is very simple i just tried to give all the details so that
there are no misunderstandings)
Any guidance/help in the right direction would be GREATELY appreciated, as
this is work related....
Thanx in Advance