Newbie - Database won't open


Colorado Caveman

I deleted an "...adpl.adp..." file and now my database won't open.
It's file name appears in the 'OPEN' area of the ACCESS window and in my
'My DOCUMENTS' folder.
I've tried the ACCESS, Tools, Database Utilities, Compact and Repair
Database utility; no luck there.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

George Nicholson

I deleted an "...adpl.adp..." file and now my database won't open.
that's because you deleted it.
It's file name appears in the 'OPEN' area of the ACCESS window and in my
'My DOCUMENTS' folder.
That's just a list of the file names you used most recently. It doesn't mean
any of those files still exist, (or that they still have those names or they
are still in those locations).

Try looking in the Recycle Bin. Good Luck.

Colorado Caveman

Thanks for your reply.
Unfortunately, I 'religiously' empty my Recycle Bin (along with Temporary
Internet and Cookies folders) every evening before I shutdown for the night.
I didn't discover the Access probelem until the next day when I wanted to
work in the database file.
Thanks again, Bob

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