Newbie Cell Reference Question...

  • Thread starter Thread starter UncleRemus
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I apologize if this question has been answered before, but I'm no
quite sure what to search for as I'm not very good with excel.

I'm making a spreadsheet where one sheet references another. I'll tr
to explain this as best as possible....

I'm creating a spreadsheet for a fantasy basketball league. I have
"Data" sheet that contains data for all players. I have another sheet
"Teams" that has all the players on each team. Column B contains th
players name, and column C contains a number that corresponds to th
row this player is on in the data sheet. So, for instance, if th
player is Dwayne Wade, the C cell contains the data "32", which is th
row this player is on in the data sheet. Now, to display his FG%,
could put in the formula "=DATA!R32", but I want to pu
"=DATA!R(TEAMS!C4)". Cell C4 being "32". I realize putting this C
cell into parentheses isn't the way to do it, but that is my question.
How would I do this?

I hate to hard code it, as it would take ages and be messy, but I hav
no idea how to do it otherwise. I hope I worded this in such a wa
that someone can understand it and help me out.

Any help would be appreciated very much...

i would think a vlookup would accomplish what you want without your special
column for which row they are in the table,I dont know how you have your
players displayed or listed but in the second column of your teams page you
could have =vlookup(playername on data sheet table, absolute data table range
reference,column number for data reqired,false),copy across and down as
required ......