Long-time WinForms, First-time WebForms programmer here...
I am in the process of creating a personal web site, and I want to embed a
blog in this. I have downloaded and played around with dasBlog, which seems
to suit my needs.
I'm wondering what is the common (best) approach to embedding a 'tool' like
dasBlog into your own site?
For example, I want my own site, with 'Home Resume Blog Links' etc toolbar
along the top. When you click Blog, it loads the dasblog into, say, an
IFRAME on my main page? And should dasBlog be a sub-folder of my website?
Or is the best approach to download the dasBlog source and then fiddle
around with it to make it suit what you want it to do? But then what do you
do about upgrades?
Have googled and googled but maybe my search terms are wrong, can't find
Long-time WinForms, First-time WebForms programmer here...
I am in the process of creating a personal web site, and I want to embed a
blog in this. I have downloaded and played around with dasBlog, which seems
to suit my needs.
I'm wondering what is the common (best) approach to embedding a 'tool' like
dasBlog into your own site?
For example, I want my own site, with 'Home Resume Blog Links' etc toolbar
along the top. When you click Blog, it loads the dasblog into, say, an
IFRAME on my main page? And should dasBlog be a sub-folder of my website?
Or is the best approach to download the dasBlog source and then fiddle
around with it to make it suit what you want it to do? But then what do you
do about upgrades?
Have googled and googled but maybe my search terms are wrong, can't find