I was just putting together a network and still had the desktop showing. As
soon as I attached the crossover cable between the two computers NICS the
screen displays:
hardware malfunction
NMI Parity check/ memory parity error
***the system has halted***
Ctrl-alt-del has no effect cannot do anything
Dell XP system is one day old.
systems now separated, on old 95 system.
SUGGESTIOINS PLEASE leaving as is until I hear.
Mel S.
soon as I attached the crossover cable between the two computers NICS the
screen displays:
hardware malfunction
NMI Parity check/ memory parity error
***the system has halted***
Ctrl-alt-del has no effect cannot do anything
Dell XP system is one day old.
systems now separated, on old 95 system.
SUGGESTIOINS PLEASE leaving as is until I hear.
Mel S.