New Xananews

  • Thread starter Thread starter Blinky the Shark
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Sweet Andy Licious Wrote in alt.comp.freeware, on Tue, 15 Jul 2003 08:53:02 -0700:
Was there a point to this post?
If so, I missed it.

How could you have missed it?

Its the message ID to a post announcing a New Xananews has been
Was there a point to this post? If so, I missed it.

Ignore my other reply -- I didn't notice the MID up there, by the
attribution, and the subject header didn't even remind me what I was
doing. As SINNER explained, it was a new release announcement for
the program named in the subject, and if you were to follow that MID
link, you'd find the author's post on the new release. Oh, wait -- come
to think of it, maybe OE doesn't let you follow a message ID. Oh, well
-- others can.