David said:December 13, Web User - MSN virus hits the net. Anti-virus company
Panda Software has warned net users to watch out for a new virus, a
worm called Jitux.A, which is spread via MSN Messenger. Jitux.A is an
aggressive code that contains a link to the web page
http://www.home.no/ / jituxramon.exe. Once open, the file
JITUXRAMON.EXE automatically downloads, infecting your computer. The
worm file stores itself in the computer's memory and sends new
infected messages every five minutes to all contacts in your
Messenger's Contact List. Users should update their anti-virus patch
as soon as possible.
Source: http://www.web?user.co.uk/news/47502.html
I got there.
| The home.no site is 404