To add something to the AutoText gallery, enter the text into the document,
highlight it, click the AutoText button, and select "Save Selection to
AutoText Gallery."
To edit it later, click the AutoText button then right-click the AutoText
object you added. You can then select "Edit Properties..."
You will also notice the "Organize and Delete" option. This will get you to
the same place as if you had gone to the Insert tab and selected Quick Parts
| Building Blocks Organizer. I haven't figured out the functionality of
Building Blocks fully yet (I plan to), but it is basically a collection of
reusable objects. In fact, I assume its presence has a lot to do with why the
AutoText feature is now buried.
So basically, when you add the AutoText, it adds it as a Building Block. It
will either be saved in the document template you are currently using or the
"Building Blocks.dotx" file, depending on what you choose when editing the