I believe I have been hit with the Witty worm rendering my windows
installation un-bootable. According to a story on /. "The worm overwrites
data on the first few sectors of the victim's hard drive, making the
machine virtually ubootable and potentially destroying much - if not all -
of the victim's data."
Strangely, my Lilo bootloader is unaffected,
Windows just refuses to boot saying "error loading operating system". I
also cannot re-install windows as on first reboot, it does the same. How
to do I recover the first few sectors? Do I need to completely re-format
the drive? That's a pain because my Linux root partition is also located
on this drive meaning I'll have to re-install two Operating Systems
I believe I have been hit with the Witty worm rendering my windows
installation un-bootable. According to a story on /. "The worm overwrites
data on the first few sectors of the victim's hard drive, making the
machine virtually ubootable and potentially destroying much - if not all -
of the victim's data."
Strangely, my Lilo bootloader is unaffected,
Windows just refuses to boot saying "error loading operating system". I
also cannot re-install windows as on first reboot, it does the same. How
to do I recover the first few sectors? Do I need to completely re-format
the drive? That's a pain because my Linux root partition is also located
on this drive meaning I'll have to re-install two Operating Systems