New window with spawn

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I have used the addin Jimco spawn to see a photogallery. Only using the
spawn link I created a hyperling to that gallery. When in design the who
page comes up - not in a new window, when in preview and I click on the link
a message pops up syaing it is impossible to find the page for the link......
then I click OK and a window is thee 600X 600pix as I want but with no
photogallery in it. Will this not work in preview? Do I have to wait for it
to go online to make sure it is working - I am not yet published. If I just
use the notmal Frontpage hyperlink pop up the link to the same page works but
I would prefer the window to be bigger,
The code I have for this window is:-

<span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: Arial"><a
href="Apts Baita Confortola pages and images/album -Apt A/album/index.html"
onclick="spawnJimcoPopup('Apts Baita Confortola pages and images/album -Apt
A/album/index.html','ApartmentA','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=no','600','600','center','center','pixel');return false;" >
<span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: Arial; color:
Appartamento A

Can anyone tell me if this is OK?

You need to REMOVE ALL spaces from folder and file names.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
And if you're going to use a host that is UNIX, be very attentive to match
file and folder name capitalization exactly.
The actual folder and file names, as well as in code.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
Hi Thomas, thanks for the info so far and all the effort.
However - the same problems still occur
In design view the actual hyperlink is fine and gets the right page but not
in resized new window - full page.
In preview - I get a pop up saying that the file...does not exist
- when I click OK the resized new window actually is there but with no page
in it and another pop up appears saying that there is a scripting error and
should it continue. However the new window is there and the right size -
just no page in it.
If I go to preview in browser - the same happensa as when in design?

Am I missing a trick somewhere - or is it really working and I will only see
it when publishged?

in desperation,

Then you need to contact Jimco support.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
Can she open a FP generated photogallery inside a Spawn window? Kinda sounds
like that's what she's trying to do...I think...maybe?

| You need to REMOVE ALL spaces from folder and file names.
| --
| ==============================================
| Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
| ==============================================
| If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
| a Service Pack or security update, please contact
| Microsoft Product Support Services:
| If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
| security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
| ==============================================
| | > Hello,
| > I have used the addin Jimco spawn to see a photogallery. Only using the
| > spawn link I created a hyperling to that gallery. When in design the
| > page comes up - not in a new window, when in preview and I click on the
| > a message pops up syaing it is impossible to find the page for the
| > then I click OK and a window is thee 600X 600pix as I want but with no
| > photogallery in it. Will this not work in preview? Do I have to wait
for it
| > to go online to make sure it is working - I am not yet published. If I
| > use the notmal Frontpage hyperlink pop up the link to the same page
works but
| > I would prefer the window to be bigger,
| > The code I have for this window is:-
| >
| > <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: Arial"><a
| > href="Apts Baita Confortola pages and images/album -Apt
| > onclick="spawnJimcoPopup('Apts Baita Confortola pages and
images/album -Apt
| >
| > false;" >
| > <span lang="EN-GB" style="font-size: 9.0pt; font-family: Arial; color:
| > #3366FF">
| > Appartamento A
| >
| >
| > Can anyone tell me if this is OK?
| > regards,
| >
| > JAcquieCC
| >
| >