New WCG Stats Format


Feb 23, 2002
Reaction score
As many of our readers know, PC Review crunches to find a cure for many diseases by using spare computing power.

Since we've been doing this, Muckshifter, Adywebb and V_R have all been manually creating stats every single morning for the team to see. I don't think there has been a single day without stats from this team :thumb:

The search for an automated solution came to an end when Mark Agar (Win2kUser) from Xtreme PC Central (another WCG crunching team) offered to customise his stats script for our team to use. Not only did he share the script, but he also customised it and made sure it worked for our team. The amount of work put into this script has been the cumulation of 2 years work, and the quantity of code is simply staggering.

Thanks for the stats software Mark, and if you see him around any crunching forums be sure to say hi!


  • wcg.webp
    1.8 KB · Views: 346
Thank You

A big thank you from me Mark. Your help is really appreciated :bow:
The generosity of man is second to none ... thanks is too small a word, but thanks.

Thank You Mark!!

Thank you for all your hard graft Mark

It is truly uplifting that members of other teams are so willing to help fellow crunchers - and is evidence of how Distributive Computing can bring people together for a common cause :cool:

Thanks again :thumb: