New video controller on Boot?

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I am using XP Media Center Edition 2005 with SP2 on Pentium4 2.28GHZ 512MB
ram. Display is RADEON 7000 (built in is disabled). Monitor is NEC multisync
with NEC driver installed and working. Adaptec AVC-2010 PCI Video capture
card installed and working.

Every time I boot, I get the New hardware found wizard. It says there is a
Video controller that is new, but a driver is never found for it.
System/Hardware shows Other devices/Video Controller in yellow question mark
status. Nothing happens by ignoring it. Uninstalling it doesn't work - it
just is found on next boot.

No harm appears to be coming from this anomaly - but it is damned annoying
to go thru the pop=up on every boot.

Does anyone knowm how to get rid of this?
Chartsmalm said:
I am using XP Media Center Edition 2005 with SP2 on Pentium4 2.28GHZ 512MB
ram. Display is RADEON 7000 (built in is disabled). Monitor is NEC multisync
with NEC driver installed and working. Adaptec AVC-2010 PCI Video capture
card installed and working.

Every time I boot, I get the New hardware found wizard. It says there is a
Video controller that is new, but a driver is never found for it.
System/Hardware shows Other devices/Video Controller in yellow question mark
status. Nothing happens by ignoring it. Uninstalling it doesn't work - it
just is found on next boot.

No harm appears to be coming from this anomaly - but it is damned annoying
to go thru the pop=up on every boot.

Does anyone knowm how to get rid of this?

Can you just disable the "new device" in device manager? That should
keep it from asking every time.
mikeboggs said:
Can you just disable the "new device" in device manager? That should
keep it from asking every time.

I do not find any "new device" in device manager. I believe that the pop-up is coming from the PNP feature of the XP startup. If I knew how to disable that, I would as I do not plan on adding anymore hardware.
By "new device" I meant the 'device' that's showing up with the yellow
question mark. You should be able to right click that and tell it to
mikeboggs said:
By "new device" I meant the 'device' that's showing up with the yellow
question mark. You should be able to right click that and tell it to

thanks, but that's not the issue. It does no harm being there. In fact by being a yellow question mark it is already disabled. I am trying to find out how to stop it from popping up since there IS NO new video controller - even tho PNP thinks there is.
Chartsmalm said:

It is NOT disabled! A yellow exclamation mark means that it is not
functioning because Windows doesn't know how to run it, it needs
drivers, that is not the same as disabled. If you disable it as you
were instructed by mike you would see a RED slash or a red X instead of
a yellow exclamation mark. If you want to be rid of it disable it.
Also, if Windows detects it then it wasn't properly disabled in the BIOS.

John John said:
It is NOT disabled! A yellow exclamation mark means that it is not
functioning because Windows doesn't know how to run it, it needs
drivers, that is not the same as disabled. If you disable it as you
were instructed by mike you would see a RED slash or a red X instead of
a yellow exclamation mark. If you want to be rid of it disable it.
Also, if Windows detects it then it wasn't properly disabled in the BIOS.


John - I stand corrected. In Microsoftese the conventional wisdom that says when something is not functioning properly, it is disabled, does NOT apply. Not funcioning properly and disabled are distinctly different to MS programmers. The definitions of the two states would be interesting to dissect, but I'm not of a mind to attempt that. As to the BIOS, I just rechecked it. THe Video reference to the built=in AGP was properly reset to PCI for my RADEON card. There are nio other reverences to video in the BIOS. When I rebooted, there was the good old Wizard again telling me that I had an unidentifiable Video Controller.

Every day I become more appreciative of my son's latest birthday present.
He gave me a Mac a high end with all of the latest they have to offer. I am
getting more of my daily activiities on it daily. It won't be long and I can
say goodbye to the Redmond Madness! Sayonara!
Every day I become more appreciative of my son's latest birthday present.
He gave me a Mac a high end with all of the latest they have to offer. I am
getting more of my daily activiities on it daily. It won't be long and I can
say goodbye to the Redmond Madness! Sayonara!

I believe you'll do well with a Mac. The system is designed for people
too stupid to use Windows or Linux.