New Version Power Point 2003 realted question



can I open the ppt file in Powerpoint 2003 which I created in Powerpoint 2000.
And after editing/saving in PP2003 I can re-use on PP2000. OR there is any
version problem which arise.

Please advise.



Michael Koerner

Yes to both your questions. the only problem that might occur, if you used any
of the special effects that were introduced with 2003, they will not show up in
2000. But, you can turn these off before you start your editing by going to
Tools, Options, Edit, and checkmark the three bottom items.

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

can I open the ppt file in Powerpoint 2003 which I created in Powerpoint 2000.
And after editing/saving in PP2003 I can re-use on PP2000. OR there is any
version problem which arise.

Please advise.



Timothy L

Features affected by working with a PowerPoint presentation in an earlier version

Expand (click) the item/link which states "Features affected when you open in PowerPoint 2000 or save to the
PowerPoint 97-2003 & 95 Presentation format."

If you only open the PowerPoint file in PowerPoint 2003 without saving any changes (given that you don't make
any changes in the first place), you won't need to worry about features that were introduced for PowerPoint
2003 not working correctly in PowerPoint 2000.

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