New version of CWShredder version 2.0 (by Intermute)

  • Thread starter Thread starter LuckyStrike
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A general heads-up.
New version of CWShredder is available by Intermute, the makers of

As a FYI, it states version 2.0, and the actual CWShredder.exe program is
version 2.0 . The exe.Installer for the program is version 1.61, as those of
you who will scrutinize before installing will doubtless discover.
Quite similar (yet not identical) in layout to the old venerable "Wonder
program" by Merijn. Comes with some unnecessary baggage (IMHO), but I guess
they want to try and finance the project somehow. You be the judge.

One other thing, considering the extra "baggage", one would like the
possibility of a "custom install" to the directory of choice. Such is not
the case, and it will default install to C:\Intermute\SpySubtract

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**
How to make a good newsgroup post:
Every time I run the program it re-installs a desktop icon - which I
re-delete. Other than this annoyance, it works fine


message A general heads-up.
New version of CWShredder is available by Intermute, the makers of

As a FYI, it states version 2.0, and the actual CWShredder.exe program is
version 2.0 . The exe.Installer for the program is version 1.61, as those of
you who will scrutinize before installing will doubtless discover.
Quite similar (yet not identical) in layout to the old venerable "Wonder
program" by Merijn. Comes with some unnecessary baggage (IMHO), but I guess
they want to try and finance the project somehow. You be the judge.

One other thing, considering the extra "baggage", one would like the
possibility of a "custom install" to the directory of choice. Such is not
the case, and it will default install to C:\Intermute\SpySubtract

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**
How to make a good newsgroup post:
If you run it from the original CWSInstall icon it will keep placing another
icon. Use the second icon instead and delete the CWSInstall one and you
shouldn't have the problem in future.
Everytime I post an alert about CWShredder, someone crawls out from under
the woodwork, and is *always* the first wise-cracking return reply. You,
Vanguardx have proven that to be a fact yet again.

For your education:
To clarify the link for CWShredder Update (Google Groups Advanced Search)

Full Thread (124 replies)

The thread which started the entire ball of wax. (Perhaps you'll notice it
is "Majorly Cross-Posted")

Sooooo.... No...., sorry pal!!! When you do that, you are considered a
spammer or worse.

Gimme a break Mr. Newsgroup Policeman Abigail VanBuren... and here is *my
suggestion* to you, following your example of posting with a "shout of
Caps-Lock"....TAKE A LONG HIKE OFF A SHORT CLIFF !!!!! :-\\
Hi Peter,

The baggage to which I refer are the 2 extra buttons ("Test your system for
spyware", and "Blocking pop-up banner ads") which direct one to the Homepage
for SpySubtract and so forth.

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**
How to make a good newsgroup post:
Peter said:
What baggage are you referring to?

Toronto, Canada.
Windows XP Home SP2.
P4 Dual HT @ 3.0ghz, 160gb HD, 1.0gb DDR.
message news:[email protected]...
Doesn't do that to me. It doesn't install over the top of the previous
Merijn CWShredder as the Program/Path is different. I have deleted the
previous Version 1.59.0001, but kept the original CWShredder
safely stored as a "back-up".

(e-mail address removed)
The best Tweak and your ally for IE = **Disable Active Scripting**
How to make a good newsgroup post:
LuckyStrike said:
Everytime I post an alert about CWShredder, someone crawls out from
under the woodwork, and is *always* the first wise-cracking return
reply. You, Vanguardx have proven that to be a fact yet again.

Since you deliberately chose to disconnect replies by multi-posting
instead of cross-posting, I'll follow your lead and also multi-post my
same response to your reply in the other newsgroups.

Having a bad day today? Was it really easier to multipost (i.e., keep
reposting to multiple newsgroups) as opposed to specifying them all in
the Newsgroups (To) header? And why would you want to purposely
disconnect replies to your SAME post made in separate newsgroups?
Spammers multi-post the same message to make their message discontinuous
across newsgroups (although some news servers will detect this behavior
as spam-like) and to disconnect replies to the same message (because
they don't want readers to see the aggregate list of complaint replies).
I doubt you want to behave like a spammer. Your post was meant to be
helpful, and it was since it provides the link to where you can now find
CWShredder (since it is a dead project over at Merijn), but please
cross-post when sending the SAME message to several RELATED newsgroups.
Cross-posting reduces bandwidth and disk space while allowing readers to
keep any replies connected together across all the groups.

Perhaps you should read item 6.b of the link that you include in your own
signature, which says, "Avoid cross-posting, unless your problem clearly
fits the category of more than one group." Since you posted the SAME
message in each group then you choose that your message clearly fits the
category of each group in which you posted that same message. Rewritten
that instruction would be "Cross-post if your problem clearly fits the
category of more than one group." Please also read the Netiquette
guidelines of RFC 1855, 3.1.3, NetNews Guidelines, which states:

"If you feel an article will be of interest to more than one Newsgroup,
be sure to CROSSPOST the article rather than individually post it to
those groups. In general, probably only five-to-six groups will have
similar enough interests to warrant this."

Perhaps if you followed netiquette regarding newsgroup posts then you
wouldn't end up with other participants crawling out from under the
woodwork to slap your hands. As far as your other threads go to which
you linked, CWShredder does not handle viruses nor is it related to
Windows Update, so you did post to unrelated newsgroups. I'm fairly
certain that I am not the only participant that would appreciate
cross-posting when someone submits the SAME post across multiple RELATED
newsgroups. I understand that sometimes a poster realizes that another
group is also related and will later post again the same message over
there. However, in general, it appears you have a gripe against
CROSS-POSTing the SAME message to RELATED newsgroups.
Get a Life! I'm not wasting any further time/ bandwidth on the likes of you.