wonder if anyone else is having the same problem we are here, we are getting
a few NT machines being infected with what looks like a variant of gaobot,
symptoms are sysmgr.exe running at 60%+ in task manager as well as being
located in nt/system32 dir
also in the reg of the pc's there's a Microsoft System Checkup key loading
sysmgr.exe in local machine/ startup reg key
problem is nothing we have seems to pickup this latest varient, mcaffee
viruscan 7.1 defs 4381 doesnt see it , nor does full scan of housecall , or
virobot (just downloaded to see!)
i'm guessing it's just a new variant but does anyone else have any similar
problems, or av software to try?
wonder if anyone else is having the same problem we are here, we are getting
a few NT machines being infected with what looks like a variant of gaobot,
symptoms are sysmgr.exe running at 60%+ in task manager as well as being
located in nt/system32 dir
also in the reg of the pc's there's a Microsoft System Checkup key loading
sysmgr.exe in local machine/ startup reg key
problem is nothing we have seems to pickup this latest varient, mcaffee
viruscan 7.1 defs 4381 doesnt see it , nor does full scan of housecall , or
virobot (just downloaded to see!)
i'm guessing it's just a new variant but does anyone else have any similar
problems, or av software to try?