New value in Lookup field

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matt Reed
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Matt Reed

Hello to all.
Starting a new project that is basically a list of magazine articles that we
want to keep track of.

Broke the database down into various tables.

Had the Form Wizard create a form (frmArticlesMain) for looking at the main
table with references to the lookup tables (tblAuthor & tblPublication), all
works fine until I want to add an author or publication that is not in the
lookup tables.

When I try to add a name not in the list I get "The text you entered isn't
an item in the list."

So how is the best way to enter a new item in the list without exiting the
main form? Macro, pop-up the form for entering Authors?

I'm looking for basic theory here, although code tips or forms would help.

I tried changing the "On not in list" field of the Author Combobox to a
macro that opens up the frmAuthor. I could then add the Author and go back
to my main form, but the new Author's name is not in the ComboBox drop-down
list. Is there someway to refresh that list before going back to the main

Are there any good site that explain what I am trying to accomplish?

Thanks for any and all help.

If the lookup tables are changed rarely, I usually create a maintenance form
for each of the tables, where the user can go to maintain the data in the
table. If you download my sample "Boilerplate.mdb" (see my web address
below), re-link the tables, and click the Maintenance button, you will see a
nice little process for accessing the maintenance forms.

If the data in the lookup tables is added to often, then I use a different
process. On my website are two other samples: "NotInList.mdb" and
"NotInListAlternatives.mdb", which show some ways to add records to your
lookup tables right from the main form.
Thanks for the reply.
Running your samples there seems to be a file set to be at
Is there a way to change this setting?
I quess the easiest way to test the application is just to make a directory
to match what you have listed.


If the lookup tables are changed rarely, I usually create a maintenance form
for each of the tables, where the user can go to maintain the data in the
table. If you download my sample "Boilerplate.mdb" (see my web address
below), re-link the tables, and click the Maintenance button, you will see a
nice little process for accessing the maintenance forms.

If the data in the lookup tables is added to often, then I use a different
process. On my website are two other samples: "NotInList.mdb" and
"NotInListAlternatives.mdb", which show some ways to add records to your
lookup tables right from the main form.
Thanks Roger,
That is a great example. On your Main Data Entry form there is a ComboBox
for Patient Name.
If it is a new Patient there is a button for New Patient, that brings up a
form to enter a new patient. After entering a new patient and clicking on
Close, I go back to the Main Data Entry form.
But the New Patient's name is not in the drop down list for "Choose the
Patient Name", is there any way to make that combobox update when I go back
to the Main Data Entry form.
If I close that form and then go back into it, the new Patient is listed.
If the lookup tables are changed rarely, I usually create a maintenance form
for each of the tables, where the user can go to maintain the data in the
table. If you download my sample "Boilerplate.mdb" (see my web address
below), re-link the tables, and click the Maintenance button, you will see a
nice little process for accessing the maintenance forms.

If the data in the lookup tables is added to often, then I use a different
process. On my website are two other samples: "NotInList.mdb" and
"NotInListAlternatives.mdb", which show some ways to add records to your
lookup tables right from the main form.

All you need to do is refresh the data source of the combo box


I usually run this in FormActivate for any drop-down/combo boxes refferancing a "look up" type table. This way when your main form regains the focus, FormActivate will run triggering the requery

