New to Vistas and windowsmail


Virginia Sisak

Same problem as Erica. Received email until I changed password. Started
receiving email again when I changed password again which lasted about 1
week. I am able to send. I am receiving spam but nothing from those in
address book. I think I have to set up a Windows Mail account but cannot
get it entered correctly or according to guidelines.

Gary VanderMolen

Sorry, since I answer hundreds of these posts every day, I have no
recollection of who Erica is or what her problem was. Your problem
statement needs to stand on its own.

If you are receiving spam, then your email account in Windows Mail is
working. What happens when you send an email to yourself? Does it
arrive in your Windows Mail inbox?

Do you get any error message when you try to receive?
Which antivirus program are you running?

thord-allan nilsgård

Virginia Sisak said:
Same problem as Erica. Received email until I changed password. Started
receiving email again when I changed password again which lasted about 1
week. I am able to send. I am receiving spam but nothing from those in
address book. I think I have to set up a Windows Mail account but cannot
get it entered correctly or according to guidelines.

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