New to Online courses

Jun 17, 2005
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Hello Group, I need some help. I will be taking online Psychology courses in the fall and need to know how to perform several functions. I will start with this question first. I need to know how to send my papers to my instructors. I was told that I will either cut and paste my papers into the online classroom, or that I will have to send them as attachments. Can someone tell me how to do thiese functions. I know how to cut and paste, but how does do I cut and paste them into the online classroom? I do not know anything about sending attachments. Also, if there is anyone who is familiar with taking online couses and you feel you could be of help, please respond. I want to take Psychology couses from a school in the US. All advice will be welcomed.
I think you will have to ask your course supervisor - as all online courses are different. There is bound to be someone who can give you direct help with submitting course material surely?
Yes maybe you're right, all classes are different. But maybe somone here can tll me how to make an attachment within my email section, and possibly in the microsoft word or word perfect section?
you dont need to post your address, i dont have a yahoo account but im sure someone will be able to explain how to use attatchments