I have spent alot of time on this, and am hoping someone can help me. I
have been trying to resize the templet that has the header footer and 3
columns, to a header footer and 2 columns and a 1 inch space in the center.
The left column is for my pictures, pictures no wider that 400 wide. Then
and inch seperation, (spacer column) and the description oppasite (to the
right) in the second row. I am adding a row to each picture to keep my text
in alignment. So, I guess I am creating cells? I don't know, but I do know
I have a mess.
I hope that made sense. I am wondering, is there a template or html I can
go to without rearanging everytime. I need about 20 of the same page. I am
so lost with tables, cells, etc. Very Very challenged! I am not capable of
creating one. I am at my wits end.
Thanks for any help you can be.
I have spent alot of time on this, and am hoping someone can help me. I
have been trying to resize the templet that has the header footer and 3
columns, to a header footer and 2 columns and a 1 inch space in the center.
The left column is for my pictures, pictures no wider that 400 wide. Then
and inch seperation, (spacer column) and the description oppasite (to the
right) in the second row. I am adding a row to each picture to keep my text
in alignment. So, I guess I am creating cells? I don't know, but I do know
I have a mess.
I hope that made sense. I am wondering, is there a template or html I can
go to without rearanging everytime. I need about 20 of the same page. I am
so lost with tables, cells, etc. Very Very challenged! I am not capable of
creating one. I am at my wits end.
Thanks for any help you can be.