Hi All,
I'm new to Excel ( and to this forum
) and so I hope somebody may b
able to help me.
I've got 2 questions....
I've got a spreadsheet which takes data from one worksheet and uses i
to calculate data in a second worksheet using the following code
=IF('4th November 2005'!B19="","nothing here dude",IF(B19<'4th Novembe
2005'!B19,"UP",IF(B19='4th November 2005'!B19,"Same",IF(B19>'4t
November 2005'!B19,"DOWN"))))
The problem is, when I create a new worksheet I have to go through an
update all of the references to the previous worksheet. I know that
can do a "find and replace" (which isn't too much of a pain), but wha
I would like to do is use some kind of a relative (rather tha
absolute) formula.
So instead of saying "go to the worksheet called '4th November 2006'
I could instead say "go to the sheet which preceeds this one"
- hopefully that makes sense!
In addition to the above formula (which just tells me if a value i
higher, lower, or the same as the previous value) is it possible t
calculate what the difference is and display that in brackets?
If a result in the spreadsheet for "4th November 2005" = 6 and th
result in the spreadsheet for "4th February 2006" = 1, it would show:
"UP (+5)"
Even better still, could I -also -reference an image (up arrow / dow
arrow) so that I could generate a result which looks a bity like thos
you get in the music charts.
I'm new to Excel ( and to this forum

able to help me.
I've got 2 questions....
I've got a spreadsheet which takes data from one worksheet and uses i
to calculate data in a second worksheet using the following code
=IF('4th November 2005'!B19="","nothing here dude",IF(B19<'4th Novembe
2005'!B19,"UP",IF(B19='4th November 2005'!B19,"Same",IF(B19>'4t
November 2005'!B19,"DOWN"))))
The problem is, when I create a new worksheet I have to go through an
update all of the references to the previous worksheet. I know that
can do a "find and replace" (which isn't too much of a pain), but wha
I would like to do is use some kind of a relative (rather tha
absolute) formula.
So instead of saying "go to the worksheet called '4th November 2006'
I could instead say "go to the sheet which preceeds this one"
- hopefully that makes sense!

In addition to the above formula (which just tells me if a value i
higher, lower, or the same as the previous value) is it possible t
calculate what the difference is and display that in brackets?
If a result in the spreadsheet for "4th November 2005" = 6 and th
result in the spreadsheet for "4th February 2006" = 1, it would show:
"UP (+5)"
Even better still, could I -also -reference an image (up arrow / dow
arrow) so that I could generate a result which looks a bity like thos
you get in the music charts.