I'm very new to ASP.NET but I want to learn.
My first question:
When I select in vs.net2003 the ASP.NET WEB APPLICATION icon, I have to give
a webserver address.
Do I really need a webserver to create and test an ASP.NET web application,
or is there another way so I can just build and test it on my home pc,
before I put it on a webserver?
I'm very new to ASP.NET but I want to learn.
My first question:
When I select in vs.net2003 the ASP.NET WEB APPLICATION icon, I have to give
a webserver address.
Do I really need a webserver to create and test an ASP.NET web application,
or is there another way so I can just build and test it on my home pc,
before I put it on a webserver?