Ok, I work in Human Resources and am trying to create a simple query to show
me which of our jobs haven't been filled yet. I have a table of all the Open
jobs (open meaning any jobs that people physically have not started, so this
includes jobs that people have accepted but haven't yet started) and a table
of all the recent fills (all the people that have accepted a position but
haven't yet actually started.) I need to figure out how to run a report to
show the jobs that show up on the "Open" table, but that are NOT on the "
Recent Fills" table. Make sense? Because if it's on the "Recent Fills" table
(the person hasn't actually started), then we are not working on the job
anymore but it's technically not filled so it will still be on the "Open"
table. Sorry if I am not being completely clear. I'd appreciate if someone
could fill me in on how to run a simple report like this. I'm too used to
Excel hehe
me which of our jobs haven't been filled yet. I have a table of all the Open
jobs (open meaning any jobs that people physically have not started, so this
includes jobs that people have accepted but haven't yet started) and a table
of all the recent fills (all the people that have accepted a position but
haven't yet actually started.) I need to figure out how to run a report to
show the jobs that show up on the "Open" table, but that are NOT on the "
Recent Fills" table. Make sense? Because if it's on the "Recent Fills" table
(the person hasn't actually started), then we are not working on the job
anymore but it's technically not filled so it will still be on the "Open"
table. Sorry if I am not being completely clear. I'd appreciate if someone
could fill me in on how to run a simple report like this. I'm too used to
Excel hehe