Does this db structure look like it will work for my db to track people that
go to conferences? Do these relationships look like they are correct? One
more question, the functional centre has an 11-12 diget number and if I use
the number assignment in the table design view I can only get 10 digits in.
Any suggestions?
The employee goes to an event funded from one functional centre account the
other source is text. Does this set up the Foreign Key Field automatically?
can I set up the employee form and add my subforms now?
Thanks to everyone that can help
AttEventID EventID EmpID PayID RegCostTravelCostAccomCostTravelDate
EmpID EmpNumber EmpFirstName EmpLastName
EventID ConfName Venue Presenting RefundDate
PayID Account Functional Centre ORG Other Funding Source
TblEmp - EmpID to TblAttendevent EmpID - One to many enforced
TblEvent - EventID to TblAttendevent EventID - One to many enforced
TblFunctional Centre - PayID to TblAttendevent - One to many enforced
AttEventID - Primary key Auto Number
EmpID - Primary key Auto Number
EventID - Primary key Auto Number
PayID - Primary key Auto Number
Thanks Brent
Please don't address your mail specifically to me, Brent, you will be
drawing a very short straw by limiting your replies to mine when there are
some really genius people around..
I'll look out for your posts, (I let Outlook Express mark my messages as
Watched) so I should be able to spot it.
Leave enough in the message so that anyone new to the thread could take up
the baton with new suggestions.
You *can* link a subform to another subform so long as you have a proper
table structure with Primary Keys for each form.- the wizard can go and suck
his toes!
As a broad outline (give me form and field names and we can make it more
You open the Main form that contains both subforms, in Design View
You use the Properties button while clicked on the second subform
(Subform2) and, on the Data tab, next to
Link Master Field
you would type
(replacing the names in brackets with real names of course)
Next to Link Child Field you would type
which is the Foreign Key field (ie a number field in your table which is
linked from a primary key in another table) in your Subform2
Now you would open Subform1 in Design view.
Click on Properties and click on Events
Next to OnCurrent, you would open a code page and type
Private Sub Form_Current()
'this bit just means that subform 2 will
'recheck what data is available to it
End Sub
The main difficulty you will have is ensuring that your subform has the same
name as it has in the database Window. So you would click on each subform,
in the MainForm's design view, Click on Properties 'Other' tab and where it
says Name, if it is different, type the name which you can see in the
Database window
I usually call mine
"Brent" <
[email protected]>
I will need some time to set up the table structure you have explained but
would like to know how do I get back to you if I have more questions (as I
know I will) as the first posting will move down the list. Can I ask for
or do I just have to repost to all?
I'm still not clear on relationships and what I was trying to do was set
a form with the employee's name etc. at the top of the form and having two
subforms in this form with Funding info and another with event info,
it did not work as Access would not let me create a subform with the
The form would change employees name but the subforms would not move to
record and I don't think the funding source was attached to the event.
I will get started and hopefully let you know of future problems and ask
more help
Thanks Brent
Hi Brent
It's a promising start (and you've explained most of it very clearly)
I'm not sure about having EmployeeID in both Funding Centre and EventID.
I'll explain.
The sort of structure you might expect to see is
Employee details (nothing to do with the event)
EventCost (if each Employee pays the same amount - otherwise this will
go in
This table should have nothing to do with individual Employees - these
details will be the ones which are the same for anyone who attends the
so that you don't have to type them out for each Employee
The grey areas are things like RegFee (is that the same for everyone? if
yes, it goes here, otherwise it goes in TblAttendEvent)
AttEventID (primary Key)
EventID (linked from TblEvent - Foreign Key Field'
EmpID (linked from TblEmployee
AmountPaid (what the employee paid to attend the event)
TravelDate and ReturnedDatewould go into TblEvent if all Employees will
travelling on the same day
Or it could go into TblAttendEvent if Employees might travel on
The signal for where to put things is, "will I need to type that same
for each record in this table?" If yes, then it should be in another
table -
by Data I mean anything other than the foreign key field
Now for the grey area because I don't know what you mean by Funding
If a Funding Centre concerns how Events are funded, eg a Charitable Fund
donates money so that you can host this Event
AND if each Event is only funded by 1 Funding Centre
PayID will be the Foreign Key field in TblEvent